MaxSea Time Zero Liste Code Key Maps: A Simple and Effective Way to Manage Your Charts
SUMMARY: These heritage twice-weekly global 50km maps summarized the current DHW and HotSpot values at the time. At a glance, this product outlined the location, coverage, and potential risk level of the current bleaching heat stress. Alert levels use the same definition as our Satellite Bleaching Alert email system, but in the Bleaching Alert Area product every pixel had an alert level defined and color-coded. Global data were at 0.5-degree (50km) resolution and were updated twice-weekly.
maxsea time zero liste code key map
CRW's heritage twice-weekly global 50km Coral Bleaching Virtual Stations provided near real-time satellite monitoring information on heat stress conducive to coral bleaching for 227 reef sites (officially), as well as 26 additional reef sites around the world (Liu et al., 2001). The information was extracted from near real-time satellite global SST measurements and derived indices of coral bleaching-related heat stress (see the sections above on SST, SST Anomaly, Coral Bleaching HotSpot, and DHW for more details) from 0.5-degree (50km) water pixels surrounding or close to the reef sites. Information listed for each reef site included the reef site name, current (at that time) heat stress status, current DHW value in C-weeks, historical maximum DHW, current SST value in degrees Celsius, and the MMM SST climatologies value. A map showing a particular reef site (Virtual Station) and its satellite pixel is accessible by clicking on the reef name. The map page also provided links to other coral bleaching heat stress monitoring products, inclduing the free, automated Satellite Bleaching Alert e-mail system.
Please note that since the DHW was a 12-week accumulation of Coral Bleaching HotSpots, it was possible for a location to have had a non-zero DHW value when the HotSpot value was less than 1 C or even 0 C. Hence, at a status level of "No Stress" or "Bleaching Watch," it was possible for the corresponding DHW value to have been greater than 0 C-week. This condition simply meant that there has been heat stress at that location sometime within the prior 3 months, but the local conditions were not currently (at that time) stressful for corals. Previous heat stress exposure still may have had adverse impacts on the corals, although recovery also may have been underway.
In each time series graph, the corresponding heat stress condition (see the table in the Coral Bleaching Virtual Stations section) related to coral bleaching was color-coded and plotted in a bar at the bottom of the time series graphs. The thermal condition was categorized in the five bleaching alert levels. The area below the DHW time series was also filled with colors corresponding to the color-coded bleaching alert levels whenever bleaching related heat stress was present. At Bleaching Alert Level 1, significant bleaching was expected at the site within a few weeks of the alert. An accumulation of DHW of 8 C-weeks triggered a Bleaching Alert Level 2, at which point severe, widespread bleaching and significant coral mortality were likely.