Asian Beauty \/\/TOP\\\\
Background: Asians increasingly seek non-surgical facial esthetic treatments, especially at younger ages. Published recommendations and clinical evidence mostly reference Western populations, but Asians differ from them in terms of attitudes to beauty, structural facial anatomy, and signs and rates of aging. A thorough knowledge of the key esthetic concerns and requirements for the Asian face is required to strategize appropriate facial esthetic treatments with botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers.
asian beauty
Methods: The Asian Facial Aesthetics Expert Consensus Group met to develop consensus statements on concepts of facial beauty, key esthetic concerns, facial anatomy, and aging in Southeastern and Eastern Asians, as a prelude to developing consensus opinions on the cosmetic facial use of botulinum toxin and HA fillers in these populations.
Results: Beautiful and esthetically attractive people of all races share similarities in appearance while retaining distinct ethnic features. Asians between the third and sixth decades age well compared with age-matched Caucasians. Younger Asians' increasing requests for injectable treatments to improve facial shape and three-dimensionality often reflect a desire to correct underlying facial structural deficiencies or weaknesses that detract from ideals of facial beauty.
Taken together, the male gaze in general and beauty pageants in particular set the stage for modern societies to equate physical appearance and a specific attractiveness with value judgments of superior versus inferior, normal versus abnormal, and good versus bad (or even evil). In our particular discussion of the Miss Korea 2013 contestants, these cultural elements intersect with the historical and political dynamics of race and ethnicity.
Collectively, these pressures can exert stress and take a negative emotional toll on Asian Americans. They can be disastrous for Asian American women in particular. For example, data from the American Psychological Association and the National Alliance on Mental Health point out that U.S.-born Asian American women between ages 15-24 have higher rates of depressive symptoms, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts than the national average, including White women. Further, pioneering research from Christine C. Iijima Hall published in 1995 and since confirmed by studies published in academic journals such as Eating Disorders, The International Journal of Eating Disorders, and The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease describe how young Asian American are also particularly vulnerable to eating disorders, much of it influenced by pressures to conform to the model minority and idealized beauty images.
It is simply ignorant to think that East Asian people are trying to "be Caucasian" just because they prefer pale skin and big eyes. Caucasian (especially American) people should stop thinking that they are the center of the world and that everyone is trying to copy them or feel as if they are on a pedestal to be worshipped.
The preference for fairness of skin is due to paleness being seen as youthful, innocent and pure, and the skin should not be ghostly white, but more of a peachy-beige, milky look. Do not say that Asian people are trying to have Caucasian skin, because Caucasian people do not even like having pale skin anyway. Nowadays they are all so dark and tan that one might as well say that Caucasians are trying to look Black or Indian.
The same is true for the preference for big eyes, because big eyes represent youth, innocence and purity, and these traits are more valued in Asian women than other traits. Not because Asian people want to have Caucasian eyes.
In general, Caucasian (especially Western cultures) standard of beauty seeks a mature, seductive and sexy, sultry look, whereas Asian (specifically East and some Southeast Asian cultures like Thailand and Vietnam) standard of beauty seeks a youthful, pure, innocent and cute look.
Examples are- Caucasians prefer arched eyebrows, while Asians prefer straight eyebrows; Caucasians prefer thick smoky eyeliner and eyeshadow, while Asians prefer natural-looking makeup that highlights but not necessarily accentuates the eyes; Caucasians prefer thick, full lips whereas Asians will try to apply lipstick in an area smaller than the actual lip size to downsize the volume of their lips; Caucasians generally have long, big noses with high bridges and tips, while Asians generally have and always prefer a smaller, shorter nose; Caucasians generally have broad, angular jaws and stronger chins, whereas Asians highly obsess over having a V-shaped or heart-shaped narrow jaw with soft, delicate chin.
The difference between Caucasian and Asian standards of beauty and idealized images of physical perfection are almost completely the opposite of each other, and you can see this most apparently when you compare the most popular celebrities from each culture, who each represent their culture's ideal beauty image.
I am a pure-bred Asian (Chinese) born and live in Asia all my life, and I can tell you this- Caucasian people are generally seen as strange, weird and foreign and many Asians will avoid Caucasian people because they are not used to seeing them.
Also, in our culture, a native Asian who dates a Caucasian is shunned and seen as an outcast of society, because she has chosen to give up her native culture and marriage prospects to a native Asian from her culture in order to defect to another culture. We have many negative labels for such local women who go out with Caucasian men.
The only kind of women here who worship Caucasian men are those who try to leech the money and status from wealthy Caucasian expatriates who come here to work. Which is another reason why our culture labels these women in a negative way.
I have traveled the world extensively, to include Central and East Asia. As I read the article, I found so many misperceptions, mischaracterizations, and unsubstantiated assertions that I began to write a response. Then, reading through the comments, I arrived at Ash's first comment which clearly encapsulated many of my objections. Ash hit the nail on the head. Sadly, C.N. Le has revealed not only that he is culture-bound, but that his evaluation of Asian beauty ideals has been conducted through the foggy lens of an Asian-American with prominent inferiority and persecution issues.
Replying to the first comment, Asians don't really try to look Caucasian (The Chinese have preferred light skin since at least the Warring States Period). I can't supply a reason for why except that there's no reason for them to *want* to, but I can provide examples of beauty being very different in Asia vs. Europe/USA. For example, aegyo sal in South Korea. There's a difference between aegyo sal and eye bags, but most Caucasians would probably ask why someone would use tape, makeup, and even surgery to get them. In addition, one only has to google "gyaru", a Japanese term, to see that the Asians strive for a more childlike appearance. Compare this to Americans, who focus on having a more sexy and mature appearance. Finally, eyebrows.
I forgot to add teeth; Japan has a yaiba trend that surgically unorganizes teeth to appear more childlike while America has braces, which slowly align teeth to seem more organized. Asians are not emulating Caucasians :)
I think people should stop thinking in terms of victimisation, stereotypes and western oppression. The simple fact is that the world is flooded with variety and amazing beauty. My own sense is that narrow Asian eyes are incredibly beautiful. Others think otherwise. Why slag people's preferences, if no harm is being done? What I hate is oppressive pc.
There's a difference between conscious imitation and subconscious influence. I think the latter is what the author is driving at, so there's no need to get all defensive. Beauty standards in East Asia are not "the exact opposite" of Caucasian beauty standards, or at the very least they are not the complete opposite of a Caucasian look which is really what this is about- not whether whites and Asians explicitly desire the same things. They're obviously different but there's no denying that they have been influenced by the international (white) order. Flat chests and small eyes, egg shaped faces, are examples of classical beauty in East Asia. The beauty standards of today are very different to those in ages past (obviously the ones I just listed were not always popular but they have all been so at one point or another), and they just so happen to have changed significantly alongside globalisation. Say what you will, larger eyes, sharper noses, and (sometimes) larger breasts all came into fashion after European contact. It's not a coincidence. It's the same way black women all need weave nowadays, that's not just some sort of huge coincidence. Wider social norms affect us, even if we don't consciously desire to be like white people or whoever it is at the time in question. It's not an amazing article, but it's not completely wrong as some people here are suggesting.
Asian Beauty, especially K-Beauty, aka Korean Beauty, has become extremely popular in the last one á two years. Known for their innovative formulas, smart packaging designs, and gentle but highly effective ingredients, Korean beauty products are beloved by many beauty lovers for achieving dewy and plump skin.
On the other hand, South East Asia (SEA) markets are perceived as emerging and defined by their diversity. Indonesia is the biggest Muslim country in the world, paving the way for halal beauty, Thailand is strongly inspired by K-Beauty but its connection to wellness and natural beauty is deeply embedded in its beauty culture. Singapore is targeting more influent and international consumers, but carries the same conditions that impact beauty routine everyday: a hot and humid climate and pollution issues.
The obsession for skincare efficacy in Asia is illustrated by the rise of powerful actives, beauty ingredients that are magnified through high concentration, freeze-dried formulas, ampoule formats, layering and mixing gestures, like in Korea with the power of single ingredient in iconic Amore Pacific Vintage Single Extract Ampoule formulated with 100% fermented Camellia essence. This trend has become viral in South East Asia, with local brands like Am Herb (TH) or Azarine (ID) launching series of high concentrated serums or ampoules targeting specific skin concerns. 041b061a72